We invite cultural organisations that are passionate about music development and cultural diversity to apply to the SDF for funding.
- Applicants must demonstrate a track record of dedication to the development, promotion, and appreciation of South Africa’s diverse arts and culture.
- Only cultural organisations based in South Africa will be eligible for funding.
- The application should be accompanied by a CK document (proof of company registration) and quotations from third parties that add up to your budget.
- Applications with missing information or documents will not be considered.
- Only cultural events taking place from 1 May 2024 to 31 December 2024 will be considered.
- The form on the application portal will require you to populate the following elements:
- About Us
- Executive Summary
- History of previous Cultural projects
- Project Concept
- Aims & Objectives
- Project Timelines
- Marketing Plan
- Return on Investment for SAMPRA
- Budget (supported by Quotations from service providers/vendors that add up to your total budget)
- Contact Details