Live Events

Live shows give fans the opportunity to be part of the magic. The opportunity to be in the same room with creativity. In real time. The thrill of front row seats. The energy. The euphoria. The reverberation. It’s the loud screams of fans around the Golden Circle. The thunderous applause of fans. The vibe. But we know and understand that putting up live shows costs money. That this level of magic requires resources. As the SAMPRA Development Fund, we are so proud to partner with individuals and companies who are committed to bring the live music scene to life.

The SAMPRA Development Fund can help you with funds for the following:

  • venue hire;
  • sound equipment rental;
  • sound engineering;
  • artists’ fees;
  • project management; and
  • marketing and promotion.
Eligibility Criteria and Funding Rules


  • South African recording artists and live music promoters whose projects and events are aligned with SAMPRA’s vision and strategic objectives.
  • Only events hosted in South Africa will qualify for financial assistance.
  • The application should be accompanied by a CK document (proof of company registration), copy of ID, and quotations from third parties that add up to your budget.
  • Applications with missing information or documents will not be considered.
  • Only live events taking place from 1 May 2024 to 31 December 2024 will be considered.
  • The form on the application portal will require you to populate the following elements:
    • About Us
    • Executive Summary
    • History of previous Live Events projects
    • Project Concept
    • Aims & Objectives
    • Project Timelines
    • Marketing Plan
    • Return on Investment for SAMPRA
    • Budget (supported by Quotations from service providers/vendors that add up to your total budget)
    • Contact Details
  • Entries for this window are open from 08h00 on 26 February 2024 to 17h00 on 28 March 2024.